Image taken by Hiroyasu Tsuri.

Image taken by Hiroyasu Tsuri.


Kelly Jewell

I majored in Communication and Design at the Swinburne University of Technology. I am currently a Freelance UI / UX Graphic Designer.

I balanced my day job with personal creative work, like publication design and print management, which garnered attention from a few artist friends and acquaintances.

My creative approach—no matter the medium—is to find humanistic points of tension behind the idea I’ve been assigned or am interested in. I do several iterations on each point and usually end up refining the one I find most fitting to inevitably solve my client’s problems.

For me, human design isn’t about instigation, but rather, a way to arrest your audience. It’s a way to plant a little bit of desire in their hearts; a yearning to turn the page and learn more about your idea. Ultimately, it’s about creating memorable images.

I also sell artist made illustrated Tshirts, feel free to follow TEE BONE STORE < Here





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